Brown Pride Lowrider Show
Fullerton, California
Fullerton, Ca. (BP) - A couple of years back while visiting Detroit, Michigan; I had the
chance to visit the world-renowned �Automobile in American Life� exhibition at the Henry
Ford Museum (Dearborn, Mi). They had everything in the exhibit from the first Model-T to
former U.S Presidential limousines. To my surprise I discovered a Mexican-American-styled
Lowrider was among the collection. I remember the feeling of Brown Pride I felt, and the way
it reminded me of home. Here I was in the Motor City, the capital of the automotive
industry, and this car had a personality all it's own. A personality and style that
originated from the barrios of East Los Angeles, was being displayed as a timeless work of
automotive art.
The art of creating a Lowrider has developed into an international form of urban expression.
Lowrider shows provide an outlet where modern day Lowrider artists share their creations
with their peers and Lowrider enthusiast. Where enthusiast can view and admire the artists'
hard work and dedication to the craft. The pain staking task of building a car of "Show
Quality" can only be realized by the die-hard perfectionist that build their creation one
This past December 9th, Brown Pride Car Club and Digital Aztlan organized a local Lowrider
Car Show. Lowrider Car Clubs from throughout Aztlan came down caravan-style to support the
cause! Every Lowrider and Car Club added their own unique style to the craft. Among the
cars on display were: The Gypsy Rose from Imperials CC, Black Magic from Arte CC, and
Playboy's 63 from Brown Pride CC. With well over 150 Lowriders on display it was literally a
Lowrider Paradise. If the cars on display weren't enough of the most discriminating Lowrider
aficionados, the hydraulics show certainly was. The car hopping lured the spectators to the
Boulevard. For a scene seldom witness on the streets of Fullerton, of hitting switches and
3-wheel motion action in complete defiance of traffic laws, and the crowd loved it!
Drawing load cheers from the crowd, created a stadium ambiance that filled the air with
electricity. When mixed with the smoke from the hydraulic pumps formed a lethal combination
of pure adrenaline. We attempted our best to bottle the dynamics of the event in our
website, for the ones that couldn't make it down this year. We�re taking the energy and
momentum of this show and carrying it over for an even bigger and stronger event next year!
Brown Pride Car Club Shoutouts:
Classic Memories, Super Natural,de Aquellas, Arte, Classic Oldies, USO, Imperials,
Temptations, Herencia, LatinLife, Rollerz Only, Thee Artistics, Classic, Night Crowd,
and all the other car clubs and supporters.
Palabras : Sal Rojas and Gato
Fotos :Sal Rojas
Fullerton, Ca
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